Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Crystal Healing

Now I know how this sounds! Very new age and totally kooky. And trust me - I was sceptical to begin with!

But when a vague curiosity in crystal healing developed, I soon decided to try it out! Without doing too much research (yolo!) I purchased a few crystals off www.thatcrystalsite.com which is a highly informative Australian website.

I purchased for myself an Amegreen crystal and a 'brain power' set of stones (which included blue chalcedony, sodalite, rutilated quartz & honey calcite).

These stones offered benefits such as emotional healing, finding clarity, improving communication, stimulating positive thought and healing negativity associated with perspectives and judgements. These are definitely all areas that needed some work! 

When they arrived I wasn't too sure what to do with them! I hadn't thought this far ahead, that's for sure. I resorted to rolling them around in my hands and inspecting them closely before bed that night. Cause if nothing else - they're dang pretty!

For the following few nights following a journal entry or a relaxing shower, I started placing some of the stones on my forehead and décolletage.... yeah, I'm still winging it at this point.

Gradually over the next few days, I slowly began to notice a lift in my mood. This is definitely a plus - but is it legit? I'll have to continue my investigation.

On a short trip to Sydney I purchased myself a Lapis Lazuli stone and wore it around for day in a hemp pouch (both purchased from the same shop Nature's Energy).

Lapis Lazuli is considered to be quite a powerful stone, and is said to promote clarity. It is also considered to be a symbol of Truth.

And this is when I really felt a change. After wearing the Lazuli around for the day, when I sat down in my hotel room in the evening and mulled over my current concerns, they all seemed to melt away into understanding and resolutions!

Now this may seem somewhat convenient and fanciful, and I haven't decided whether it's a placebo effect or something like that. But I'm glad this clarity and increased well being came about -  and I think I'll carry on with my crystals!

Love & sparkles, 

L x

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