Monday, 17 March 2014

I Hate Mondays

Flowers don't care what day it is, so neither should you!

I know a lot of people hate Mondays. The weekend is over and it's time to go back to school, work, university or plotting world domination.

But that doesn't mean you should sulk and sigh! Everyone can have a bad day but don't let the day of the week be the cause of it.

Here are some tips to help you if struggle from weekend withdrawals:

1. Try and wake up planning to have a good day. Yes, we've all heard it before but deciding to have a good day is half the job done.

2. Smile! Or even better, give someone else a smile. I've read in numerous magazines throughout my life that smiling at a stranger can brighten that persons day and they might even pass it on! Yay!

3. Eat something nourishing when you wake up! I'm not a big breakfast person so I usually just have a tangy fruit smoothie to wake me up along with some jam on an English muffin.

4. Make plans! If you're a social person, make some plans to hang with friends. Having something to look forward to can always get you though the day. Or if you're more like me and prefer some quality "me" time, do some things that make you feel happy. I usually draw or read a good book.

5. Take a break! That uni assignment slowly turning your brain into melted goop? Go outside and calm the brain!
Got a difficult problem a work? Work on something easier and then go back with fresher eyes.

6. To do list. Yeah bit lame but hey, it can really help. When I'm planning an art piece or series I always make a list of things I need to do; being able to check things off always gives me a sense of accomplishment.

7. Ye old exercise. Doesn't have to be hardcore but something to get those endorphins going. 
"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't." - Elle Woods.

8. Music! Listen to you're favourite band, whether it be Katy Perry or Megadeth, to keep you in the zone and charge through the day. It always helps me when I want to smash through a massive workload!

Of course everyone is different but I usually find it starts with your attitude towards the day. If you're going to go in negative, that's all your day is going to be!

Cheer up, eat some cake and cuddle some cats!

M x

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